Sociology Essay Samples Around

Racism as a Social Justice Issue

Introduction The protests following the death of George Floyd exposed the problem of economic inequality in the United States. According to economists, the gap between African Americans and white people has remained the same since the middle of the last century (Marino et al. 510). The problem of inequality between...

Female Stereotyping in the Film “Frozen”

Stereotypes are generalized ideas about a category of people. They work when we attribute specific characteristics in a very generalized way to all members of a certain social group. Stereotypes are needed to categorize the world around us and ourselves in that world. They set ideas about what behavior is...

Comparison of Male and Female Behaviors in Films

Art is a unique phenomenon used by individuals to speak about specific values dominant at the moment, embody various ideas, or discuss relations within society between representatives of various groups. Cinema is a unique form of creativity that is extremely popular nowadays and attracts millions of viewers globally. As any...

The Speech “I Have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It is important to note that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech was the most profound, impactful, and monumental turning point in American history. It irreversibly shifted the United States to become more equal and less segregated, especially for African Americans. The charismatic speaker of the...

The Coordinated Management of Meaning: Definition and Key Characteristics

The Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) is a social constructionism-based theory that explains how people create meaning from communication and manage their reality. According to W. Barnett Pearce, one of the founders of CMM, “we live in lives filled with meanings and one of our life challenges is to manage...

Social Prescribing Programs: Pros and Cons

Introduction Supporting people has become a significant challenge for the NHS as the proportion of people with long-term diseases increases. Chronic conditions consume approximately 70% of the health care expenditure (Costa et al., 2021). In 2022, the government would spend £15.9 billion on long-term care, an increase of 94% (Costa...

The Substance Abuse Disorder Counseling

Introduction The demand for substance abuse disorder (SUD) therapists may increase as Canada seeks drug offenders’ counselling and treatment programs rather than serving a jail term. Substance abusers are less likely to commit an offense again if they get such services for their addiction. Consequently, sentences often require addicts to...

Social Skills Challenges in Children With Intellectual Disabilities

Introduction Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) often encounter various difficulties during their lives, forced to overcome the limitations imposed by the specificity of their condition. However, considering the problems related to physical activity, communication, and abstract thinking, young people with special needs often experience trouble when attempting to establish relationships...

Why Abortion Should Be Legalized

Every woman is entitled to make decisions in their life; they should be in a position to abort without restrictions from the government. Legalizing abortion has been one of the major topics in US for so many years. Since 1971, the Republican party has always prevented pregnant women from accessing...

The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More

Poverty is a costly affair that predisposes individuals to less ideal scenarios that further exacerbates their situation. According to DeNeen L. Brown’s article “The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More”, she explains how being poor makes an individual vulnerable to exorbitant fees and prices. While those who...

Violence: What If All Guns Disappeared?

People suggest various solutions to violence, ranging from providing guns to everyone to banning them, which is why it is essential to establish whether prohibiting the existence of guns will stop violence (Nuwer, 2018). Significantly, it has been found that gun homicide rates are higher in the United States, where...

Analysis of “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous addresses in US history. This inspiring speech signalled the start of a new era in African history. Things have changed dramatically since the politician spoke to the crowds, yet the battle continues. King, on...

Lowering the Cost of Assisted Living While Improving the Quality of Care

Introduction The need to improve the quality of service and reduce its cost for the underserved population is obvious and is related to the need to take care of people who do not have access to services in the same volume as the rest. Underserved population refers to barriers to...

Effects of Satire on Poverty

In literature, satire is a genre that employs irony, exaggeration, and humor to criticize and point out society’s flaws. It is often used to make a political statement but can also be used for entertainment. Poverty is a social issue because it traps people in a vicious cycle of not...

Ethical Decision-Making in Social Work

Introduction Social workers operate and provide their services in complex situations and environments. The established codes of ethics and principles guide their decisions and action plans whenever helping their clients. However, some ethical dilemmas tend to occur in practice, thereby compelling them to apply the most appropriate strategies to uphold...

First-Person Look at Immigration

For this essay, I interviewed Eve, a young Russian woman that migrated to the United States in 2014. It was a turbulent time for Russian citizens. The first half of the year was dominated by the Crimea Conflict, during which Russia annexed Crimea, much to the disapproval of the rest...

The Struggle Between the Good and Evil in Humans

Introduction Understanding human nature reveals the inner struggle between the aggressive attitude associated with survival instincts and the desire for compassion. This essay explains why the pessimistic view of thinkers like André Malraux on technological advancement and human happiness is not agreeable. Malraux’s idea of technology is that progress and...

Identity and Society in the “Out of the Night” Film

Out of the Night is a film about the profound personal and collective tragedy that affects minorities who continue not to be recognized in society because of imposed stereotypes and prejudices. It is a film about women being the most victimized group, who receive even more unpleasant words to their...

The Black Student Movement of the 1960s

In the context of power imbalances between the races, literacy, access to high-quality education, and the resulting promotion opportunities are overwhelmingly important. The struggle for meaningful and inclusive college education in the United States has been in place since the 1960s to make the country’s increased racial diversity reflected in...

Violence Against Women and Its Effect on Children

The phenomenon of violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains a tragically common issue. Furthermore, the majority of cases of VAWG are represented by intimate partner violence (IPV) (Bacchus et al., 2018). As a result, not only women but also their children suffer extensive and immense trauma that affects their...

Disability Support Services and Pharmacy Partnership

A Service toDevelop a Partnership With Disability support services have the opportunity to establish promising partnerships with pharmacy services (chemists). The organization provides support services for disabled and aged people with their daily tasks. The vision of the organization is to provide the most person-centered services as well as to...

Issue of Counselling Barriers

Counseling is one of their effective forms of specialist assistance to people faced with various kinds of problems. The main goal of this process is to become a trained counselor who assists in coming to an understanding of the issue. For me, this aspect is essential since I believe that...

Speeches by Emma Watson and by Malala Yousafzai

Gender equality, women’s rights protection, and related to it feminist movements are significant ethical issues that are highly debated today. Many celebrities and common people address governmental bodies and society in general, encouraging gender equality. The first speech, called the United Nations Address on Gender Equality, was presented by Emma...

Is It Morally Right to Separate Children from Their Parents That Come Illegally?

The question of illegal immigration has been on the U.S.’s political agenda for decades, yet very few reasonable solutions have been provided. Due to the drastic economic situation observed in Mexico and the adjacent countries, illegal immigrants and migrant workers have become an increasingly common problem for U.S. officials (Wood...

Analysis of “Forensic and Legal Psychology” Chapter 12

In chapter 12 of the course text, the authors review and evaluate the various pieces of evidence stemming from experimental and observational juror and judge research relating to judges’ and jurors’ biases and competence in evidence evaluation, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the advantages and disadvantages of trials by...

The State of Homelessness and Housing in California

Introduction Among the several social issues that exist in the state of California, homelessness and housing take precedence. California is the leading state in America having the highest total number of people facing homelessness. Homelessness has grown to become both a social and state problem that affects up to 161,548...

The Case of Paternalism in a Voucher Provision Program

Human relationships may be developed under different conditions that are usually determined by the government and society. Sometimes, people make decisions relying on their personal needs and wants. Still, in some cases, they have to consider the existing legal restrictions, obligations, or others’ opinions. To explain the essence of the...

Discussion: COVID-19 Pandemic and Racial Prejudice

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all immensely and caused irreversible damage to the country. The virus originated in China, so it is easy to understand why some individuals blame Asian and Asian-American people. However, this behavior is unacceptable and only promotes racial discrimination and hateful attitudes. No American should...

Analysis of “Becoming Parents” by Leder

In the opinion piece Becoming Parents, Leder presents a premise that society should form a mechanism through which for parents to legally have children, they must receive a license from the government similar to that of a marriage union or a driver’s license. At first, this idea seems shocking but...

The Importance Speed Limits for Society

After introducing motorized vehicles to the general population in the 20th century, roads have become profoundly dangerous. The danger imposed by cars moving at high speed involves injuries and fatal accidents among both pedestrians and drivers. In response to the public health threat, the government has applied various rules and...

Consciousness of People and COVID-19

Consciousness is one of nature’s most enigmatic phenomena. However, admittedly, it is just a part of the natural environment. It must have developed at a certain point as a result of biological processes occurring inside the causally linked system that everybody calls nature. Throughout decades of philosophical and scientific studies,...

Racial Capitalism According to Jodi Melamed

Society exists in a world that obeys the fundamental principles of human relations, which are formed, among other things, by the economic system. As a developed and popular governing concept, capitalism provides individuals in power with control over the lower-ranked classes. Utilizing the disadvantages of capitalism, a phenomenon that is...

Social Change: Functionalist and Conflict Theory

Social changes are more than imminent in the current society, with cultures, social institutions and functions significantly shifting and transforming with agents of change in society. The change is visible given the wide variations between the cultural practices in the previous societies and the current ones, and how social institutions...

Suicide: Statistics, Facts, Prevention

Have you ever thought of the fact that at this moment, someone is thinking about killing themselves? Unfortunately, too many people who appear fine and happy with their lives at the same time have to deal with depression or personality disorders that cause suicidal thoughts. According to the American Foundation...

Ethical Dilemma: Confronting the Police Officer Corruption

Ethics is a framework that highly influences interactions among people within a social setting. It is an individual’s responsibility to decode the necessity of an engagement based on the moral and virtue essence. However, in some cases, it may be challenging to make an unambiguous ethical decision. I witnessed such...

Op-ed: Femicides in the US. Gender-Based Violence

When hearing about femicide, people commonly envision impoverished nations living under highly intolerant or religious laws. One can think of the honor killings in Afghanistan or India occurring to this day, or the massive casualties of cartel drug wars in Mexico in the 1990s and continuing in modernity. However, only...

Is War Ever Morally Permissible?

Introduction The history of mankind has been characterized by multiple major wars that have had detrimental consequences for all the parties involved. Consider, for example, the first and second world wars, where millions of people died. Other instances of major conflicts include the American Civil War, Russo-Japanese War, the Russian...

The Journey Towards Death: Social Norms and Attitudes

The article “Letting go: My battle to help my parents die a good death” was written by Kate Clanchy and published in The Guardian. The author writes about the moments leading to the death of her parents. Her parents, Joan and Michael, were elderly, sick, and wished to die. Joan...

Economic Inequality Between Genders

Gender equality is a concept implying the achievement of equality in rights between men and women in family and other legal relations. Gender equality is a necessary condition for achieving balance and harmony in the world. In the modern economy, there are processes that reduce gender inequality, such as the...

Biopsychosocial Effects of Methamphetamine Use

Methamphetamine is an illicit drug that has serious adverse effects on people’s mental health and psychological state, as well as their social lives. This is an “extremely addictive stimulant amphetamine drug” with the only commercial medication Desoxyn® that requires a prescription (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services [HHS], 2016,...

The Concept of Sociological Imagination

The theory of sociological imagination was first introduced by pioneer sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959. Griffiths et al. (2015) describe it “as an awareness of the relationship between a person’s behavior and experience and the wider culture that shaped the person’s choices and perceptions” (p. 6). Overall, in order...

Women’s Rights in Different Middle East Countries

The situation of women in the Arab world seems challenging from the outside and almost consistent throughout the region. In fact, Arab countries are very different from each other, and many of them are changing significantly, including the issue of the status of women. For example, in Lebanon – the...

The Social Construction of Difference

I think the article by Johnson makes an extremely relevant and necessary point that differences between people on the basis of race, gender, orientation, disability, and other aspects are a matter of cultural choice, what he indicates to be ‘social construction’ (9). Reading this made me think of the old...

The Provision of Healthcare as a Right

Healthcare as a Right, Financial Implication, and Additional Responsibilities Regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, and socio-economic background, an individual’s health is the most essential and fundamental asset. Therefore, access to health care by people is a right, and every person receives treatment tailored to their needs and preferences. The right...

Slavery and Racism Connection in America

Racism and slavery have always been a problem in the United States. In the United States, one’s race defines one’s living position. Because of their skin color, African Americans were forced into slavery. Therefore, slavery and racism in the United States were linked by the fact that a person’s race...

Discussion of Slave Owing Culture

The methods used by white slave owners to guarantee their slaves would remain devoted to them were inhumane yet effective for the intended purpose. The easiest way to enforce slavery was through physical beatings. Any person in servitude who did anything that remotely resembled insurgence would be severely whipped in...

A Study of the Relationship Between Anxiety and Decision Making

Abstract The study of the effect of anxiety on decision-making is essential to the psychoanalytic disciplines. It was expected that an individual’s anxious state had a negative effect on choice. The present experiment was a qualitative study of the relationship between the respondent’s anxiety state and decision-making. Data were collected...

The System of Intergender Relationships

Gender inequality has been one of the characteristic principles of interaction between people for millennia. Despite significant changes in modern society, people continue to treat men and women differently. In my opinion, people of different genders are indeed prone to different activities, but this does not mean that they cannot...

The Idea of Gender in Modern Society

Introduction Gender is a concept that causes a fairly large amount of reasoning and even controversy in the scientific community and modern society. Gender is not the sex of a person itself but rather the idea of ​​gender, that is, the perception of oneself as a person belonging to one...

Spoken and Written Communication and Symbols

Spoken communication is different from written one, and each of them has its own distinctive features. Both spoken, also known as oral, and written, non-oral, communications are two types of verbal communication which refers to the use of words to convey a message. Yet, spoken communication is often used informally...

Aspects of Feminist Disability Studies

The thesis of this paper is to examine feminist disability studies and their place in the current feminist theory. To do that, the author discusses several literary sources collected, and how they retrieve, reimagine, and rethink feminist disability. While acknowledging the issues and communities related to the broader concept of...

“Dancing Skeletons: Life and Death in West Africa” by Katherine Dettwyler

Introduction Katherine Dettwyler wrote Dancing Skeletons: Life and Death in West Africa according to her fieldwork on children’s health in Mali. It is crucial to note that this book has received an award from the American Anthropological Society (Inside the mind of Kathy Dettwyler). Katherine Dettwyler’s main goal was to...

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Class and Substance Abuse

Abstract There exists a prevalent hypothesis of the existence of a correlational dynamic between socioeconomic status and the likelihood of substance abuse. I believe it is an important area of social work discipline since it involves a prevalent problem and links it to an already socially vulnerable group. Social class...

Motherhood as Discrimination and Double Socialization

Considering parenthood-related liabilities, women exit the work market, procure more minors, and are more averse to be employed or advanced. The parenthood punishment influences women’s vocations and builds up sex disparity in the work market. The investigations show that people higher in altruistic and antagonistic sexism acknowledge women who agree...

Mocovici Experiment: Social Influence of Minority

For many centuries, people have been studying such an important and valuable science as sociology. A special place in it is occupied by the problem of social influence. It studies the influence of the social environment on a person’s life. An invaluable contribution to this science was made by the...

Ethical Analysis of Facebook in Cambridge Analytica Botched PR

Public relation is an idea that all levels of enterprise must address. From online reviews to satisfying consumers, business personnel is involved in the public relations business if they run a company dealing with the public. Part of the public relations deals effectively with negative business news and events (Kim...

How the New U.S. Immigration Policy Affects Immigrants

This paper will provide a critique and response to the article “Many Migrants Are Quickly Expelled, but Others Can Stay. Here’s Why,” written by Eileen Sullivan in The New York Times. She discusses how the new U.S. immigration policy affects immigrant adults and children due to the pandemic (Sullivan 2)....

A Single Story and Its Threats in Adichie’s Speech

Ever since speech became an indispensable instrument of human interaction, its use has been given considerable importance. Speech, whether written, spoken, or digital, allows the transmission of semantic constructions and meanings embedded by the author. This property also manifests the main danger of speech, namely its overly persuasive influence. When...

Superheroes Costumes and Gender Reinforcement

Superhero costumes usually emphasize their athleticism through the clear illustration of their unrealistically perfect body features. In particular, in the comics, one can see an open highlighting of physiological gender differences, especially with the example of female characters. Undoubtedly, the costumes reinforce gender and sexuality, as they are usually tight-fitting...

Importance of Respect. Foundation of Human Relationship

In a world that is full of different people and varying opinions, there needs to be a framework that helps to avoid or work through conflict. Some may bring up the idea of respect as a foundation of human relationships. Respect can be described in many ways, as it is...

Sociological Perspective on Poverty

Different schools of sociological thought would approach the problem of poverty from different perspectives. From a structural-functional point of view, poverty would likely be the result of one of society’s mechanisms of wealth distribution not performing their functions properly. If poverty is perceived as a problem, then maintaining a stale...

Socialization: Popularity of Delivery Companies

The huge popularity of delivery companies can legitimately be considered a striking characteristic of modern times in industrial societies. In my discussion, I want to incorporate the delivery phenomenon in a more broad discussion of reducing social life to the house space. As for me, it is tough to formulate...

Prevention of Teen Dating Violence

Occurring as psychological, physical, and social violence in relationships, teen dating violence may be regarded as a serious issue that should be addressed through comprehensive interventions (Niolon et al., 2019). Addressing the efficacy of the Dating Matters model for the prevention of negative relationship behaviors among teenagers, Niolon et al....

Intersectionality and Unique Social Gender Experiences

Introduction Intersectionality is a concept that describes the social experiences of individuals mainly from minority populations. From a definition point of view, this term depicts a theoretical framework in which individuals’ varying social attributes determine their daily experiences (Launius and Holly). As a result, the complex or interlocked system of...

Efficiency of Alcoholics Anonymous as Self-Help Group

Self-Help Groups Self-help groups are tool to help individuals cope with their psychological, physical, or intellectual problems via group interaction. The basic tenet of such initiatives is the empowerment of people who suffer from specific issues. Whether private or state-funded, such a form of organizations is extremely popular around the...

“Cigarette Nation” by Daniel J. Robinson

Introduction Sometimes, the history of everyday things and activities can be thought-provoking. For instance, smoking, which has existed for centuries, in the context of the 20th century mass adoption of cigarettes is one of such topics. The non-fiction book Cigarette Nation: Business, Health, and Canadian Smokers, 1930-1975 describes the history...

Child Maltreatment: Abuse and Neglect

Various types of child maltreatment worldwide are horrifying and lead to numerous consciences that affect society as a whole. Therefore, it is possible to choose the elimination of just one of the types of maltreatment only by realizing the chances to eliminate another as soon as possible. Thus, I would...

Daily Injustice: Implicit Gender Stereotypes

Part of becoming an adult member of human society is learning to recognize the myriad injustices that surround us in our daily lives. One of the pillars of modern society is the concept of egalitarianism, but unfortunately, it remains an ideal to strive for rather than a reality. Various human...

Humanitarian Impact on Syrian Internally Displaced People

Introduction In Syria, armed conflicts, human rights violations, and violence caused tremendous suffering to people. Along with the physical damage, they face significant psychological effects of war, such as severe mental disorders (Hedar, 2017). Compared to refugees, who tried to pursue a better life in Europe and other places, internally...

The Challenge of Cultural Relativism by James Rachel

Introduction Cultural relativism is a rather controversial approach to ethics that states that no universal moral norms are uniform for every human on the planet. Essentially, it dictates that different cultures have different opinions on what is right and what is wrong, thus providing a variety of ethical dilemmas. In...

Effects and Impact of Violence Experienced by Indigenous Women

Introduction Indigenous women live in societies, cultures and under traditions that benefits from their voicelessness, invisibility, inactiveness, non-existence, and erasure. The profiling of indigenous women for discrimination started with colonization policies that served to normalize the violence perpetrated against them (Coburn, 2019). Over the years this violence has persisted in...

Theory of Historical Materialism by Karl Marx

The concept of social change refers to the process of social and cultural institutions transformation via the interactions of people. The theory of historical materialism developed by Karl Marx states that technological development, alterations of productive relations in society, and productive forces, such as labor and capital, provoke changes in...

The Poverty Problem and Possible Solutions

Poverty is a serious socio economic issue that prevents individuals or groups of people from reaching their full potential. This problem is caused by a variety of factors all throughout the world. The condition mentioned above may be controlled or eradicated in different ways, but it needs people in charge...

New Jersey Child Poverty from Bronfenbrenner’s Viewpoint

The official fact sheet gives necessary sociological data on New Jersey children, and its segment on child poverty may reveal some new psychological information. For example, it shows that Black and Hispanic children are more economically disadvantaged than their White counterparts (Children’s Defense Fund, 2017). Therefore, one can suggest that...

Human Trafficking of Guatemalan Teens

Introduction Human trafficking involves recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or acquiring individuals by force or deceit to manipulate them for gain. Adults and children of various ages and ethnicities can become targets of this abuse, which happens worldwide. Many human traffickers resort to brutality or fake recruitment agencies and misleading learning...

Washington’s “Farewell Address” and Modern Politics

George Washington is rightfully considered one of the key figures in the history of the United States, which makes his farewell speech all the more important as the wisdom by which the following generations of Americans would live. At its core, the message that Washington sent was quite simple, yet...

Homeless Due to Covid-19 in New York City

Summary COVID-19 is a highly contagious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome first reported in the world in March 2019. The disease’s high ability to spread led to the present-day health pandemic. There are 426,624,859 confirmed COVID-19 infection cases and 5,899,578 deaths worldwide as of February 22, 2022 (WHO Health Emergency Dashboard,...

Socioeconomic Class and Access to Opportunities

Class disparities have been in existence since the development of early social hierarchy. As a result, these disparities have percolated into the present-day setting, affecting people’s opportunities for advancing in society. Two interviews conducted with a member of an upper middle class and a representative of the working class have...

The Topic of Urban Culture

The topic of urban culture for a long time was understudied, as scholars were more attracted to the research questions about politics and the economy. Such imbalance reflects the overall perception of the importance of these topics. Only in recent decades has the urban culture become perceived as something unique...

Analysis of Conflict Handling Style

There are five main conflict-handling styles, which evaluate various aspects of approach to conflict situations. I have completed the survey to determine my styles and found out that the collaboration style is my preferred. It would be optimal to adopt the style according to the concrete conflict (Thomas 266). However,...

Racial Wage Gap and How It Leads to Other Inequalities

Introduction Individuals’ economic position is frequently associated with the financial benefits they get through activities such as labor. Usually, political and societal considerations might raise concerns regarding these monetary flows. The main question is always focused on the subject of equity. For thousands of years, humanity has struggled with many...

Analysis of “Christian Ethics” and “Physicians, Patients, and Others” Works

Christian Ethics by S. Rae Summary This chapter is focused on specific elements of Christian ethics, which are inclusive of virtues and commands. Although the Bible is not entirely a moral text, it has several concepts of ethical reasoning such as the natural law, utilitarianism, and ethical egoism (Rae, 2018)....

Group Affirmation Behaviors of Native Americans

Indigenous communities often possess unique knowledge inherent in their cultures, traditions, and histories. As distinct ethnic groups grow and evolve, they develop customs rooted in their heritage, adopting a specific way of living, communicating, and interacting with the world. Of particular importance are the ingroup relationships that emerge during the...

Interpersonal Communication: The Role of Assimilation

Introduction Interpersonal communication is common in the current century because it instills the cohesive nature of bonding. Assimilation is a mode of communication where people exchange their feelings, information, and verbal or non-verbal messages. The mode of exchange is mainly through face-to-face communication because an individual can gauge the points...

A Feminist Approach to “The Story of an Hour”: Emotional Aspects

Introduction The piece “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin, narrates the life of a woman who managed to grasp the meaning of freedom for a short while. Such events seem unusual for the patriarchal society of the time and, therefore, are described from the main character’s perspective...

The Palestinian Movement’s Goals and Significance

Palestinians experience daily struggles, conflicts with neighbors, jail time, and gritty realities of dealers. The Palestinian movement is essential as it involves people’s self-determination and sovereignty over Palestine. The freedom movement organization was created after Hamas took over Gaza. The Palestinian movement is internationalized and attached to other ideologies to...

Folkway Violation: Elevators

Introduction An elevator is one of the most inconvenient places to talk to people and especially make new acquaintances. This fact is explained by the feeling of being cornered due to the lack of an opportunity to avoid conversations. Even though specialists sometimes recommend using the time spend there for...

Curbing Tobacco Use in Poland: Case Discussion

The culture of smoking in Poland was such a regular part of daily life that three-quarters of Polish men aged 20 to 60 smoked every day, and nearly 30 percent of women had that severe habit. In the 1970s-1990s, tobacco-related economic operations were cheap and profitable for the government, and...

Robin West’s “Jurisprudence and Gender” Response

Although there are many engaging thoughts depicted in the essay, I was fascinated by the discussion of sexual intercourse in the context of feminism and jurisprudence. In particular, the quotation “Sometimes, the skin comes off in sex” by Andrea Dworkin grasped my attention (West 218). The sentiment, which describes the...

Suicide Factors as Society’s Issue

Suicide is a significant issue in modern society, and there are numerous works that discuss the topic in an attempt to find a way to reduce its occurrence. Suicide rates in the United States continue to rise throughout the past several decades, making it one of the most widespread causes...

Gun Violence in the US: The Key Factors

Introduction The US is infamous for gun violence and mass shootings, a phenomenon that is especially shocking when it occurs at schools. According to police chiefs of 12 US cities, 2021 is heading towards becoming “the deadliest year for gun violence” in over 20 years (Rizzo). It is not customary...

“The Real-World” Book by Ferris: Introduction to Sociology

The Real-World book by Ferris provides a strong introduction to sociology, equipping us with good knowledge about the social causes and impact of human behavior, social life, and social change in different communities. The most interesting topics to me after reading the book are culture, social classes, religion, and social...

Queer (LGBTQ) Individual Freedom and Church Pressure

The social contract is a theoretical agreement among individuals to form a society in which they can live in peace. The theory was started by Socrates; however, now, it is associated with moral and political views that developed in the 17th – 18th century. The issue of LGBTQ individual freedom...

Cultural Diversity: Racism, Discrimination, and Prejudice

Although stereotyping may seem harmless to some on the surface level, it actually possesses substantial and detrimental issues to the subjects that are being generalized. While categorizing is an innate human tactic that is involved in survival, its use within social, cultural, and racial contexts is harmful. An issue related...

The Effects of Stereotype Threat and Discrimination on Women in Workplaces

An article by The New York Times recently covered an important issue of facing discriminatory incidents in the workplace. The report focused on Activision Blizzard’s attempts to promote inclusivity after receiving sexual harassment allegations from women working in the company. Apart from the mentioned sexual harassment allegations, the company’s employees...

Social Construction of Race in America

Although modern society has become more tolerant, discrimination based on race is still relatively widespread. As Healey and Stepnick noticed, race remains the main factor for class inequality even now (215). Still, the concept and social construction of race itself changed a lot. For instance, four common racial identities were...

The Science of Stage Fright and Charisma

Public speaking often causes stress, anxiety, or fear. Audience tends to think that only people who are timid and shy are afraid of speaking in public. However, even many experienced public speakers get nervous when they go out to speak on a new topic or in front of an unfamiliar...

Family Institute in the US: Sociological Analysis

The chapter under review provides a sociological analysis of how the idea of the family has evolved in the U.S. and the current and future condition of the family institute in the country. As for the former, it is shown how American people switched from favoring the extended family to...

Social Change and the Abolition of the Segregation Law

Immediately after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment, most states in the former Confederacy passed Black Codes, laws modeled on the former slave laws. These laws sought to restrict the freedom of emancipated African Americans by restricting their movement and pushing them into a drudgery economy...

Aspects of Relational Dialectics

Relational dialectics is a concept of communication theory that focuses on relational contradictions. The concept views relations as a combination of tensions between two extreme measures. The three common of most common types of tensions include openness and closeness, connections and separation, and certainty and uncertainty (Communication theory). By focusing...